#! /bin/csh -f # # typically you will copy this file into your www mirror tree (the one with # the symlinks (or copies) to your full pictures, # then locally edit the machine/root_name/pics variables, and use it to # update. # # CAVEAT: if you have modified pictures, the slides and thumbs would not # be updated. Remove them manually or add jigl options to this script. # # $Id: do_sync,v 1.8 2007/03/26 23:22:07 teuben Exp $ # bootstrap: # jigl -cg # ec gallery.dat # edit>> GAL-OPTIONS -aro -wd # edit>> INDEX-TITLEBAR # edit>> INDEX-TITLE # -lo option in gallery.dat will also copy the large image files # and hyperlink them to the slides. # 3 steps : # do a bunch of single add-jpg's # or a single add-jpg -a ../*JPG # and then edit and add captions to the gallery.dat file # jigl # rsync # e.g. # add-jpg ../DSC_3644.JPG Cole drooping off # either edit these 3 set's for your situation set machine=chara set root_name=change_me set pics=$machine":public_html/pics" # or alternatively (better) place them in this file if (-e rsync.dat) source rsync.dat # was -lo used in GAL-OPTIONS ? 1 = yes, 0 = no set lo_option_used = `grep GAL-OPTIONS gallery.dat | grep -c "\-lo"` jigl if (! -e "$root_name") then echo Directory root_name=$root_name does not exist exit 1 endif if (-e $root_name == change_me) then echo root_name= needs to be set to something exit 0 endif if ( $lo_option_used == 1 ) then mv *.html $root_name # copy images dereferencing links cp -L *.jpg $root_name endif rsync -v -a -e ssh $root_name $pics