


first activity is to read where you are in the draws....

where's my name?

it's cold outside!


i'm not in the draws?

Laszlo speeding through the picture

Diehards who made it through the snow


quiet time on court 1

injured young men



how is this possible?


we're not in this big blue blob, we're in the little slither sticking out and soon should stop snowing!

contemplating gym closure

happy now?


quiet time

James watched only 2 movies

Chess!!   notice the nice team shirts

now where's all these nice draws?

any more questions?

front row seats are cheap


sometimes you just gotta go outside...

now who could that be?

have we  figured it out?

nobody paid attention to that sign...

did Ronney have time to play?

Food Court

A rare quiet moment at the Food Court

Is it really like that outside?



finding a comfy place is the first important thing to do

The Team

VA Beach

just a random shot of the viewers

some new thing

poke poke

chesssss men

efficiency at her best

nobody goes without a cell phone

switching court

switching court

Henry organizing the trophies

the first trophies already

oops, another, luckily minor, injury

the next morning, after having been kicked out of the gym at 5pm

streets look clean again

now, one guess who these gentlemen are?

and suddenly there was light

the press came!


sipping James

future badminton champ

Christine carefully recording court time

it was cold in the gym!

didn't i say it was cold in the gym on sunday?

comfy (?) chair

A women singles winners

A women doubles winners

A men singles winners

A men doubles winners

Another view of the desk

popular laptops

A view of dcopen.net

resting my feet

always curious where they put me in the new draw

ah, a prize!

we won!


watching court 1

off court instruction

seniors now

senior doubles

never a dull moment

you suck!

desmond's laptop

mixed doubles

mixed doubles

A mixed doubles winners

seniors mixed 

friday 55 matches in 4hr, sat 96 in 8hr, sunday 104 matches in 10 hr!
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