1992 - St Basil's Cathedral

1992 - St Basil's Cathedral

In 1992 we went to Russia.  Maybe it was strange choice, but Carrie
had just finished several years of studying the language, and the
country was just starting to open up to tourism (we went shortly after
the coup attempt against Gorbachev).  It was a really fascinating
trip.  I decided to do St Basil's Cathedral in Red square as a

It is primarily made of toothpicks.

1992 - Rocking Horse

1992 - Rocking Horse

I usually make ornaments for my Mom, sister and wife, but I didn't
have time to do more than one St. Basil's, so I used this rocking
horse for filler.  It is patterned after a rocking horse that, first my 
Grandfather and now my father, have traditionally made for kids in 
my family.  Every kid, when he or she was old enough, got one of 
these horses.

It is made of balsa wood. 

(I finally finished a St. Basil's for Carrie, but I still owe my sister one.)

Next ornament: 1993 - Zion Cabin
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