SOFIA Spectrometer Interfaces and Software
SOFIA optics back-calculation
This has nothing to do with the CASIMIR spectrometer, but here is an
informed guess at the SOFIA optics and field of view in some detail (pdf, mcd,
October 2004)
COBRA/SOFIA digital correlator description
A preliminary description of the mechanical and electrical
properties and interfaces for the COBRA digital correlator system for
SOFIA is available (pdf,
December 2003).
Overview of software conceptual layout
Initial software scheme proposal (September 2002)
A proposal for the general software layout and a description of the
backend task is here for review and discussion (Version 1, 10 Sept.
2002: pdf, msdoc). Original figures are in
AutoCad format (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
University of Cologne writeups (January 2003)
- Observing modes and software implementation (pdf)
- Software implementation (pdf)
- Block diagram of the computer layout (ps)
University of Cologne writeups (March 2003)
- Observing modes and software implementation update (pdf)
- NTP synchronization (pdf)
- Block diagram of the computer layout (ps)
Maryland Software Meeting, 20/21 March 2003, and aftermath
- KOSMA talk slides (pdf)
- WASP spectrometer data processing software (postscript).
- A set of data flow diagrams for WASP spectrometer data processing
(pdf, ppt).
- Action items (pdf)
- Latest version of "Observing modes and software implementation" (pdf, msword),
J. Stutzki et al.
- Proposed list of housekeeping parameters for use in the headers (pdf, xls),
S. Colgan
- A. Harris' graceless comments (txt)
WASP spectrometer data pipeline
References for the spectrometer control, data reduction pipeline,
and archiving software:
- Software
experts' reference page. Includes installation information, source
code documentation, and updates from the nightly builds.
- The dictionary
of FITS keywords for the latest generation of WASP spectrometer data
acquisition and storage pipeline. This page also contains links to
references defining the FITS standard and related topics.
- Microcontroller commands (pdf,ps). Previous version (wasp219) in pdf, ps.
Includes information on hardware synchronization.
- A set of data flow diagrams for WASP spectrometer data processing
(pdf, ppt).
- Kevin Rauch and Amar's slides describing the WASP spectrometer
data processing software (postscript).
- Rough notes describing a typical chopper wheel calibration cycle
as an example of a backend task (text)
- HIFI calibration memo from the ALMA memo series (#442) as a
potentially interesting document for CASIMIR (pdf).
- Peter Teuben's real-time Linux
reference page.
- Mechanical and electrical interfaces for WASP2 (pdf).
See also the general analog correlator
KOSMA file_io communication protocol
The file_io protocol is a simple way for different tasks to
communicate with each other through exchange files.
- Tarball of the file_io
CVS tree including source code, examples, and everything else (from Urs
- Urs Graf's detailed description of the protocol and its
implementation (html)
- Andy Harris' overview summary of the protocol and some of its
conventions (pdf)
- Heiko Hafok's summary of the protocol's implementation for the
KOSMA telescope (pdf)
- January 2003 examples of files for telscope and observing system
communication: tel2obs.cfg and obs2tel.cfg.
These references describe synchronization with SOFIA's chopping
secondary mirror.
- Some of Mick Edgar's thoughts on synchronizing to the chopping
secondary (text)
- Slides from the presentation describing the chopping secondary
performance and tests (pdf)
- Information on the WASP spectrometer hardware synchronization
logic, signals, and timing is in this document ( pdf, ps
Questions or comments? Please contact Andrew Harris.