ComputingTips, tricks, and scripts
Some of my favorite packages:
Python library focused on general astronomy/astrophysics
For querying online astronomical resources. I am a contributor and helped implement and maintain the ephemeris query codes.
Python library focused on small solar system objects. Best for comet and asteroid work. I co-founded this package along with Michael Mommert, Miguel de Val Borro, and Jian-Yang Li.
A must if you work with NAIF's SPICE toolkit.
Simulates photometric data and spectra.
Display numpy arrays in SAOImage DS9. See tip below.
Python toolkit for astronomical image viewers.
pyds9 and iPython startup
Display numpy arrays in DS9. My favorite short-cut is to define a .view
method for DS9, which I find easier to type for interactive work than .set_np2arr
. I have an iPython profile named scipy. After initializing with ipython --profile=scipy, create the file .ipython/profile_scipy/startup/
(location for GNU/Linux systems) with the following content:
from importlib import reload import scipy.ndimage as nd import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import * try: from import fits, ascii from astropy.table import Table import astropy.units as u import astropy.constants as const from astropy.coordinates import Angle from astropy.time import Time except ImportError: pass try: from import * from sbpy.activity import * except ImportError: pass try: import pyds9 pyds9.DS9.view = pyds9.DS9.set_np2arr except ImportError: pass try: import mskpy from mskpy import * except ImportError: pass