The UMD Astronomy Observatory Remains Closed

Fall 2024 Update: The UMD Astronomy Observatory remains closed to all public outreach activities.

Wed, 8 Sept 2010, 8-10pm

In conjunction with CSPAC's world premiere of Liz Lerman's The Matter of Origins (see interview), the Department of Astronomy will hold a special panel discussion about origins in astronomy. Dr. Cole Miller, Dr. Neal Miller and Dr. Stacy McGaugh will give brief overviews of origins within their specific areas of research followed by a question and answer session. A tour of the observatory will follow the discussion and weather-permitting, we will also observe the night sky.

  • Seating is limited, therefore we will be requiring reservations! Email Elizabeth Warner
  • When to arrive: Anytime between 7:15 - 7:55pm. We would like to get started on time.
  • Children? We anticipate the panel discussion portion lasting a little over an hour with this program. Children under 10 may not be as enthralled with this program.
  • Weather: The panel discussion portion and tour of the Observatory will be held rain or shine. If it is cloudy we will not be able to observe. In case of extreme weather (hurricane, tornado, major snowstorm), we would cancel. Notification of cancellation would be emailed out to those who have RSVPed as well as posted on the Observatory home page.
  • Review the 1st Time Visitors/General Logistics page.