Astronomy 622 : Cosmology
Fall 2021
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The evolution of the universe from the "Big Bang" to the formation of stars and galaxies.
Instructor: Massimo Ricotti Class: room ATL 0201 Lectures: Tuesday & Thursday 12:30pm to 1:45pm First class: Tuesday Aug 31 Last class: Thursday Dec 9 Final exam: Monday Dec 20 (10:30am-12:30pm)
Contact Info
If you need help or have questions you can reach me here
- Office: room PSC 1156
- E-mail: ricotti at astro dot umd dot edu
- Phone: (301) 405 5097
- Office hours: any time ... stop by or send me an e-mail to arrange a meeting
- Class web page:
You can download the Syllabus in pdf format Syllabus.pdf
I will use class notes uploaded on ELMS, so there are no mandatory textbooks. Below is a list of books I have used in the past that you may enjoy reading.- Recommended:
- "Cosmology" by Peter Cole and Francesco Lucchin
- Very extensive book on Cosmology and Galaxy formation:
- "Galaxy Formation and Evolution", by Mo, van den Bosch, White
- Nice book on Inflation and high-energy universe:
- "Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure" by Andrew R. Liddle, David H. Lyth
Scanned Notes of the Course
I will make available (on ELMS) my handwritten notes and other notes and resources either provided by colleagues or published and available on the web. Useful resouces are also linked here.
Course Description
Part I: Linear Universe - 18 lectures.
- Era of ``non-standard'' particle physics: Friedman-Leimatrie cosmology, Hubble law, redshift, inflation, perturbations from inflation, reheating and baryogenesis
- Era of ``standard'' particle physics: Kinetic theory in the expanding universe, equilibrium thermodynamic, neutrino decoupling, non-baryonic matter, thermal history, primordial nucleosynthesis, CMB spectrum, recombination and decoupling, linear growth of cosmological perturbations
- CMB anisotropies: linear theory
Part II: Non-linear Universe (extragalactic astronomy) - 10 lectures
- Measuring cosmological parameters, dark matter and dark energy
- Large scale structure and galaxy formation: Top-hat collapse, large scale structure formation (simulations and theory), Press-Schechter formalism, first stars and galaxies, Lyman-alpha forest and reionization, density profile of dark matter halos, unsolved problems.
Homework, Exams and Term Project:
During the semester I will hand out 4-5 homework, a midterm and final exam (closed books). Each of you will write a review paper or a web page on a cosmology topic of your choice. At the end of the semester you will give a short presentation.
Course Grading
There will be one in-class Midterm exam, a term project and a Final. Class participation and attendance is strongly encouraged. The grade will be determined according to the following weights:
- Homework 35%
- Term project 15%
- Midterm Exam 25%
- Final Exam 25%
- Final exam Monday, Dec 20 (10:30am-12:30pm)
Letter Grades
A+ > 97% A 94%-97% A- 90%-94% B+ 87%-90% B 84%-87% B- 80%-84% C+ 77%-80% C 74%-77% C- 70%-74% D < 70%