Upcoming Talks

Series: CTC Seminar
Location: PSC 1136
Speaker: Madeline Lucey (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: The Galactic Halo's Contribution to Inner Galaxy Stellar Populations
Date: Wednesday 06-Nov-2024 at 11:30-12:30 pm

Series: Astronomy Colloquium
Location: ATL 2400
Speaker: Dr. Esra Bulbul (MPE)
Title: Precision Cluster Cosmology and Astrophysics with the eROSITA All-Sky Survey
Date: Wednesday 06-Nov-2024 at 16:05-17:00 (4:05-5:00 pm)

Series: CTC Seminar
Location: PSC 1136
Speaker: Lizhong Zhang (IAS)
Title: Understanding the dynamics of accretion onto neutron stars and black holes in relativistic radiation MHD simulations
Date: Wednesday 13-Nov-2024 at 11:30-12:30 pm

Series: Astronomy Colloquium
Location: ATL 2400
Speaker: Dr. Alice Shapley (UC Los Angeles)
Title: The JWST Revolution in Galaxy Formation: A Spectroscopic Perspective
Date: Wednesday 13-Nov-2024 at 16:05-17:00 (4:05-5:00 pm)

Series: Planetary and exoplanetary Lunch Seminar (PALS)
Location: ATL 1250 and Zoom (contact host Matt Nixon for link)
Speaker: Yoni Brande (University of Kansas)
Title: TBA
Date: Monday 18-Nov-2024 at 11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Series: CTC Seminar
Location: PSC 1136
Speaker: Thankful Cromartie (Naval Research Laboratory)
Title: Detecting Gravitational Waves With Pulsar Timing: Updates from NANOGrav and the IPTA
Date: Wednesday 20-Nov-2024 at 11:30-12:30 pm

Series: Astronomy Colloquium
Location: TBA
Speaker: JSI Meeting
Title: TBA
Date: Wednesday 20-Nov-2024 at 16:05-17:00 (4:05-5:00 pm)

Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science & Technology II    Joint Space-Science Center    Two intriguing investigations -- One flight-proven spacecraft    UMd Astronomy-Cote d'Azur Observatory Scientific Cooperation and Academic Exchange