Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
Last, First | Title | Room | Phone | Website | |
Bolatto, Alberto | Professor | bolatto@umd.edu | PSC 1158 | (301) 405-1521 | dept page personal |
Diemer, Benedikt | Assistant Professor and CTC Director | diemer@umd.edu | PSC 1107 | (301) 405-2682 | dept page personal |
Earl, James | Professor Emeritus | jearl@umd.edu | dept page | ||
Hamilton, Douglas | Professor | dphamil@umd.edu | PSC 1153 | (301) 405-1548 | dept page |
Harrington, J. Patrick | Professor Emeritus | jpha@umd.edu | ATL 0249 | dept page personal | |
Harris, Andrew | Professor and Chair | aharris1@umd.edu | PSC 1208D | (301) 405-7531 | dept page personal |
Hartzell, Christine | Affiliate Associate Professor | hartzell@umd.edu | |||
Kempton, Eliza | Professor and Graduate Director | ekempton@umd.edu | PSC 1111 | (301) 405-3615 | dept page |
Miller, M. Coleman | Professor | mcmiller@umd.edu | PSC 1114 | (301) 405-1037 | dept page personal |
Mundy, Lee | Professor and LMA Director and CRESST II Director | lgm@umd.edu | ATL 0203 | (301) 405-1529 | dept page personal |
Mushotzky, Richard | Professor | rmushotz@umd.edu | PSC 1154 | (301) 405-6853 | dept page |
Papadopoulos, K. Dennis | Professor Emeritus | dpapadop@umd.edu | dept page | ||
Reynolds, Chris | Professor | creynold@umd.edu | PSC 1160 | (301) 405-6651 | dept page personal |
Richardson, Derek | Professor | dcr@umd.edu | dept page personal | ||
Ricotti, Massimo | Professor | ricotti@umd.edu | PSC 1156 | (301) 405-5097 | dept page personal |
Sunshine, Jessica | Professor and SBG Director | jsunshin@umd.edu | ATL 1207F | (301) 405-1045 | dept page |
Veilleux, Sylvain | Professor and Optical Director | veilleux@umd.edu | PSC 1109 | (301) 405-0282 | dept page personal |
Vogel, Stuart | Professor Emeritus | svogel@umd.edu | PSC 1164 | (301) 405-2134 | dept page |
Weiner Mansfield, Megan | Post-Doctoral Associate (NASA Sagan Fellow) | mwm@umd.edu | PSC 1112 | (301) 405-8786 | dept page |
Last, First | Title | Room | Phone | Website | |
Hayes-Gehrke, Melissa | Principal Lecturer and Undergraduate Director/Advisor | mhayesge@umd.edu | PSC 1208C | (301) 405-1562 | dept page personal |
Hunt, James | Lecturer | jhunt1@umd.edu | ATL 1321 | dept page | |
Jones Jr., Marvin | Lecturer and Undergraduate Advisor | mjones73@umd.edu | PSC 1103 | (301) 405-5065 |
Adjunct and Visiting Professors
Last, First | Title | Room | Phone | Website | |
Cenko, Brad | Adjunct Professor | cenko@umd.edu | PSC 1101 | (301) 286-4678 | dept page |
Heap, Sally | Adjunct Professor | sheap@umd.edu | ATL 1223 | dept page | |
Knight, Matthew | Adjunct Assistant Professor | mknight2@umd.edu | ATL 1104 | dept page personal | |
Komacek, Thaddeus | Adjunct Assistant Professor | tkomacek@umd.edu | PSC 1116 | (301) 405-8053 | dept page personal |
Neufeld, David | Visiting Professor | dneufeld@umd.edu | ATL 1223 | dept page | |
Singer, Leo | Adjunct Assistant Professor | lpsinger@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-5439 | dept page |
Stiavelli, Massimo | Adjunct Professor | mstiavel@umd.edu | STSCI | ||
Tielens, Alexander | Adjunct Professor | tielens@umd.edu | dept page | ||
Trimble, Virginia | Affiliate Faculty | vtrimble@umd.edu | dept page | ||
Weiner Mansfield, Megan | Visiting Assistant Professor | mwm@umd.edu | PSC 1112 | dept page |
Research and Specialized Faculty
Last, First | Title | Room | Phone | Website | |
Abshire, James | Visiting Research Scientist | abshirej@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 614-6081 | |
Achterberg, Richard | Associate Research Scientist | achterbe@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-1550 | dept page |
Allen, Alice | Faculty Specialist | ascl@umd.edu | ATL 0231 | (301) 405-8360 | dept page |
Antiochos, Spiro | Visiting Research Scientist | santioch@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Apala, Elizabeth | Visiting Faculty Specialist | eapala@umd.edu | |||
Arnaud, Keith | Associate Research Scientist | karnaud@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-5857 | dept page |
Avanov, Levon | Research Engineer | lavanov@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-8825 | dept page |
Barnes, Tilden | Senior Faculty Specialist | tbarnes4@umd.edu | ATL 1255 | (301) 405-2081 | dept page |
Bauer, James | Research Professor | gerbsb@umd.edu | ATL 1245 | (301) 405-6218 | dept page |
Bennett, David | Research Scientist | bennettd@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-5473 | dept page |
Bertone, Stefano | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | sbertone@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Bessho, Naoki | Research Scientist | nbessho@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-8751 | dept page |
Bhattacharya, Aparna | Assistant Research Scientist | abhatta5@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | dept page | |
Boettcher, Erin | Assistant Research Scientist | eboettch@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Bonnell, Jerry | Senior Faculty Specialist | bonnell@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-1579 | dept page |
Bovill, Mia | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | msbovill@umd.edu | ATL 0253 | dept page | |
Bower, Dina | Associate Research Scientist | dbower@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 614-5786 | dept page |
Buzulukova, Natalia | Associate Research Scientist | nyb@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-8961 | |
Carr, John | Visiting Research Scientist | jcarr108@umd.edu | ATL 0257 | dept page | |
Chirenti, Cecilia | Associate Research Scientist | chirenti@umd.edu | PSC 1103 | (301) 286-4216 | dept page |
Chornay, Dennis | Research Engineer | dchornay@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-2588 | dept page |
Cumbee, Renata | Assistant Research Scientist | rcumbee@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Dahlin, Joel | Assistant Research Scientist | jdahlin@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (240) 296-2141 | |
Dailey, John | Senior Faculty Specialist | dailey@umd.edu | dept page | ||
Darg, Daniel | Senior Faculty Specialist | ddarg@umd.edu | ATL 1257 | (301) 405-3733 | dept page personal |
Deming, L. Drake | Research Professor | ldeming@umd.edu | ATL 0245 | ||
Eggen, Joe | Senior Faculty Specialist | jeggen@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-4645 | dept page |
Farnham, Tony | Research Scientist | farnham@umd.edu | ATL 1207E | (301) 405-3856 | dept page personal |
Feaga, Lori | Research Professor | lfeaga@umd.edu | ATL 1207A | (301) 405-1383 | dept page |
Ferrara, Elizabeth | Research Scientist | eferrara@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | dept page personal | |
Fixsen, Dale | Research Scientist | dfixsen@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | dept page | |
Gamble, Ronald | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | rgamble3@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Gicquel-Brodtke, Adeline | Senior Faculty Specialist | agicquel@umd.edu | ATL 1301B | (301) 405-1503 | dept page |
Henning, Wade | Assistant Research Scientist | whenning@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Hewagama, Tilak | Associate Research Scientist | tilakh@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-9130 | dept page |
Hirsch, Benjamin | Senior Faculty Specialist | bhirsch1@umd.edu | ATL 1257 | (301) 405-3069 | dept page |
Honniball, Casey | Assistant Research Scientist | chonniba@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Huang, Yi-Min | Visiting Associate Research Scientist | yopology@umd.edu | |||
Huard, Tracy | Associate Research Scientist | thuard@umd.edu | ATL 0225 | (301) 405-2059 | dept page |
Kalapotharakos, Constantinos | Associate Research Scientist | ckalapot@umd.edu | NASA | ||
Kashlinsky, Alexander | Visiting Research Scientist | akashlin@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Kazmierczak, Jeanette | Senior Faculty Specialist | jkazmie1@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-2799 | dept page |
Kelley, Mike | Research Scientist | mkelley5@umd.edu | ATL 1207B | (301) 405-3796 | dept page personal |
Knudson, Christine | Senior Faculty Specialist | knudsonc@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-3526 | dept page |
Kolokolova, Lioudmila | Research Scientist | lkolokol@umd.edu | ATL 1207D | ||
Kostov, Veselin | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | vkostov@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Kutyrev, Alexander | Associate Research Scientist | akutyrev@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-2150 | dept page |
Lawton, Pat | Senior Faculty Specialist | plawton@umd.edu | ATL 1102 | (301) 405-2579 | dept page |
Leskaukas, David | Visiting Faculty Specialist | dleskaus@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Liang, Haoming | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | haoming@umd.edu | ATL 0259 | ||
Livengood, Tim | Associate Research Scientist | tlivengo@umd.edu | ATL 1319 | (301) 286-1552 | dept page |
Loewenstein, Michael | Associate Research Scientist | mloewens@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-3615 | dept page |
Mamoutkine, Andrei | Senior Faculty Specialist | amamoutk@umd.edu | ATL 1246 | dept page | |
Martinez Castellanos, Israel | Assistant Research Scientist | imc@umd.edu | NASA | ||
Martos Martin, Yasmina | Associate Research Scientist | ymartosm@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | dept page | |
Mattson, Barb | Principal Faculty Specialist | mattson@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-1243 | dept page |
Mernier, Francois | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | fmernier@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Mitchell, Sara | Senior Faculty Specialist | saram@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-4598 | dept page |
Moiseev, Alexander | Research Scientist | amoiseev@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-5581 | dept page |
Moriarty, Daniel | Assistant Research Scientist | m0riarty@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (401) 258-7926 | |
Neveu, Marc | Assistant Research Scientist | mneveu@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Ng, Jonathan | Assistant Research Scientist | jonng@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-1237 | |
Ogorzalek, Anna | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | ogoann@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Pound, Marc | Research Scientist | mpound@umd.edu | dept page personal | ||
Pritchard, Tyler | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | tylerap@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Rahmani, Maryam | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | rahmanim@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (240) 909-0709 | |
Ramos-Walker, Kelly | Visiting Faculty Specialist | kramoswa@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Rauch, Kevin | Associate Research Scientist | rauch@umd.edu | ATL 0213 | (301) 405-4967 | dept page personal |
Raugh, Anne | Principal Faculty Specialist | araugh@umd.edu | ATL 1249 | (301) 405-6855 | dept page |
Reddy, Francis | Principal Faculty Specialist | fjreddy@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-4453 | dept page |
Reiner, Michael | Visiting Associate Research Scientist | mreiner1@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Richardson, Ian | Research Scientist | irichard@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-3079 | dept page |
Romanelli, Norberto | Associate Research Scientist | nromanel@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Sankar, Shannon | Assistant Research Scientist | ssankar@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-8241 | dept page |
Sasaki, Makoto | Associate Research Scientist | msasaki@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-0998 | dept page |
Scheidt, Stephen | Visiting Associate Research Scientist | scheidt@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Sewilo, Marta | Associate Research Scientist | mmsewilo@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-5401 | |
Share, Gerald | Visiting Research Scientist | gshare@umd.edu | ATL 1223 | dept page personal | |
Sharkey, Benjamin | Visiting Senior Faculty Specialist | sharkey@umd.edu | ATL 1101 | dept page | |
Shaya, Edward | Associate Research Scientist | eshaya@umd.edu | ATL 0247 | (301) 405-2040 | dept page personal |
Shkolyar, Svetlana | Assistant Research Scientist | sneveu@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Shuster, Jason | Assistant Research Scientist | shuster@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-8943 | dept page |
Southard, Adrian | Visiting Associate Research Engineer | asouthar@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Tan, Lun-Chang | Senior Faculty Specialist | ltan@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | dept page | |
Teuben, Peter | Research Scientist | teuben@umd.edu | ATL 0223 | (301) 405-1540 | dept page personal |
Thorpe, Michael | Assistant Research Scientist | mtthorpe@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Valencia, Sarah | Assistant Research Scientist | snvalenc@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | dept page | |
Wadiasingh, Zorawar | Visiting Assistant Research Scientist | zorawar@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Warner, Elizabeth | Principal Faculty Specialist and Observatory Director | ewarner@umd.edu | ATL 1251 | (301) 405-6555 | dept page personal |
Wellnitz, Dennis | Principal Faculty Specialist | wellnitz@umd.edu | ATL 1253 | (301) 405-1546 | dept page |
Whelley, Patrick | Associate Research Scientist | pwhelley@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 614-5129 | dept page |
Wolfire, Mark | Research Scientist Emeritus | mwolfire@umd.edu | ATL 0229 | (301) 405-1538 | dept page personal |
Ye, Quanzhi | Assistant Research Scientist | qye@umd.edu | ATL 1105 | (301) 405-1549 | dept page personal |
Zoghbi, Abdu | Associate Research Scientist | azoghbi@umd.edu | NASA GSFC |
Postdocs and Faculty Assistants
Last, First | Title | Room | Phone | Website | |
Ahrens, Caitlin | Post-Doctoral Associate | cahrens@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Ballhausen, Ralf | Post Doctoral Associate | ballhaus@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Beltz, Hayley | Post Doctoral Associate | hbeltz@umd.edu | PSC 1118 | dept page personal | |
Bera, Ankita | Post Doctoral Associate | ankitabm@umd.edu | PSC 1105 | dept page | |
Berteaud, Joanna | Post Doctoral Associate | berteaud@umd.edu | NASA | dept page personal | |
Farcy, Benjamin | Post Doctoral Associate | bfarcy@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Finley, Matthew | Post Doctoral Associate | mgfinley@umd.edu | |||
Gurram, Harsha | Post Doctoral Associate | hgurram@umd.edu | dept page | ||
Hankla, Amelia (Lia) | Post Doctoral Associate-Neil Gehrels Fellow | ahankla@umd.edu | PSC 1122 | dept page | |
Harkleroad, Emily Anne | Faculty Assistant | eharkle1@umd.edu | dept page | ||
Hemmer, Rachael | Faculty Assistant | rhemmer@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Hull, Samuel | Post Doctoral Associate | shull@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Kim, Yaeji | Post Doctoral Associate | ykim1231@umd.edu | ATL 1104 | dept page | |
Kloos, Jacob | Post-Doctoral Associate | jlkloos@umd.edu | ATL 1104 | dept page | |
Kuruppuaratchi, Dona Chathuni Piumika | Post Doctoral Associate | dkuruppu@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Li, Jialu | Post Doctoral Associate | jialu@umd.edu | ATL 1247 | dept page personal | |
Liu, Tingting | Post Doctoral Associate | liu.2189@osu.edu | 4338 | ||
Lopez Barquero, Vanessa | Post Doctoral Associate | vlopezb@umd.edu | PSC 1122 | ||
Martin de Blas, Juan Ignacio | Post-Doctoral Associate | jmartind@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Matthews, Nat | Post-Doctoral Associate | natm@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Mbarek, Rostom | Post Doctoral Associate-Neil Gehrels Fellow | rmbarek@umd.edu | PSC 1120 | dept page | |
Nixon, Matthew | Post Doctoral Associate | mcnixon@umd.edu | PSC 1105 | dept page | |
Olmschenk, Gregory | Post Doctoral Associate | golmsche@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Renaud, Joe | Post-Doctoral Associate | jrenaud@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Rice, Rachel | Post-Doctoral Associate | rcrice@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Schanche, Nicole | Post-Doctoral Associate | nschanch@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Stein, Robert | Post-Doctoral Associate | rdstein@umd.edu | PSC 1120 | ||
Teng, Yu-Hsuan (Eltha) | Post Doctoral Associate | yhteng@umd.edu | PSC 1118 | dept page | |
Terry, Sean | Post-Doctoral Associate | skterry@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Uy, Alan | Post Doctoral Associate | aluy@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Vandorou, Aikaterini | Post Doctoral Associate | katievan@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Vega, Laura | Post Doctoral Associate | ldvega@umd.edu | NASA | ||
Welch, Brian | Post-Doctoral Associate | bwelch13@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | ||
Wright, Esteban | Post Doctoral Associate | ewrigh10@umd.edu | ATL 1321 | dept page |
Graduate Students
Last, First | Title | Advisor | Room | Phone | Website | |
Allee-Press, Lacey | Graduate Student | laceyap@umd.edu | PSC 1238 | dept page | ||
Biancalani, Enrico | Graduate Student | ebian@umd.edu | ATL 1241 | dept page | ||
Bogat, Ell | Graduate Student | Komacek | ebogat@umd.edu | ATL 1229 | dept page | |
Broadmeadow, Amanda | Graduate Student | Mundy | abroadme@umd.edu | ATL 1239 | dept page | |
Cronin, Serena | Graduate Student | Bolatto | cronin@umd.edu | ATL 1229 | dept page personal | |
Dan, Kylie | Graduate Student | kydan@umd.edu | PSC 1260 | dept page | ||
Davenport, Brian | Graduate Student | bdav@umd.edu | PSC 1248 | dept page | ||
DeMartini, Joseph | Graduate Student | Richardson | jdema@umd.edu | ATL 1227 | dept page | |
Ding, Keyi | Graduate Student | kyding@umd.edu | PSC 1260 | dept page | ||
Donaghue, Keaton | Graduate Student | kdonaghu@umd.edu | PSC 1238 | dept page | ||
Ealy, Jordan | Graduate Student | Komacek | jealy@umd.edu | ATL 1237 | dept page | |
Fromont, Emeline | Graduate Student | Komacek | efromont@umd.edu | ATL 1231 | dept page | |
Gursahani, Yash | Graduate Student | yashag@umd.edu | PSC 1248 | dept page | ||
Guzman Caloca, Giannina | Graduate Student | Kempton | gguzmanc@umd.edu | ATL 1237 | dept page | |
Hobson-Ritz, Marshall | Graduate Student | mhobritz@umd.edu | PSC 1238 | dept page | ||
Hoffman, Erika | Graduate Student | Reynolds | ebhoff@umd.edu | ATL 1231 | dept page | |
Holt, Isiah | Graduate Student | Miller | imholt@umd.edu | ATL 1235 | dept page | |
Hood, Maximus | Graduate | mxhood@umd.edu | PSC 1260 | |||
Jarrett, Shaniya | Graduate Student | shaniya@umd.edu | PSC 1248 | dept page | ||
Kocjan, Zuzanna | Graduate Student | zkocjan@umd.edu | PSC 1248 | dept page | ||
Lastovka, Matthew | Graduate Student | mlastovk@umd.edu | PSC 1248 | dept page | ||
Leidig, Katya | Graduate Student | Diemer | kleidig@umd.edu | ATL 1229 | dept page | |
Mirizio, Emma | Graduate Student | Richardson | emirizio@umd.edu | ATL 1239 | dept page | |
Osinga, Calvin | Graduate Student | Diemer | cosinga@umd.edu | ATL 1259 | dept page personal | |
Reisner, Charles | Graduate Student | creisner@umd.edu | PSC 1238 | dept page | ||
Robbins, Sophie | Graduate Student | srobbin7@umd.edu | PSC 1248 | dept page | ||
Savel, Arjun | Graduate Student | Kempton | asavel@umd.edu | ATL 1227 | dept page personal | |
Seebeck, Jerome | Graduate Student | jseebeck@umd.edu | PSC 1260 | dept page | ||
Smith, Cole | Graduate Student | csmit103@umd.edu | PSC 1260 | dept page | ||
Solanki, Siddhant | Graduate Student | Reynolds | siddhant@umd.edu | PSC 1260 | dept page | |
Somers, R. Sander | Graduate Student | rssomers@umd.edu | PSC 1238 | dept page | ||
Srinivasaragavan, Gokul | Graduate Student | Miller | gsriniv2@umd.edu | ATL 1235 | dept page | |
Ugalino, Mark | Graduate Student | ugalino@umd.edu | PSC 1238 | dept page personal | ||
Volpert, Carrie | Graduate Student | Bolatto | cvolpert@umd.edu | ATL 1227 | dept page | |
Washington, Antoine | Graduate Student | Sunshine | antojr@umd.edu | ATL 1239 | dept page | |
Williams, Jonathan | Graduate Student | Mushotzky | jonvwill@umd.edu | ATL 1239 | dept page personal | |
Yates, Eric | Graduate Student | eayates@umd.edu | PSC 1260 | dept page |
Last, First | Title | Room | Phone | Website | |
Callahan, Emily | Business Manager | ecallaha@umd.edu | PSC 1121 | (301) 405-3177 | dept page |
Cheyne, Leland | CRESST II Program Manager | lcheyne@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-9563 | dept page |
Dent, Olivia | Director of Academic Administration and Faculty Relations | odent@umd.edu | PSC 1208F | (301) 405-1512 | dept page |
Hansborough, Barbara | Coordinator | barbarah@umd.edu | PSC 1208 | (301) 405-1508 | dept page |
Harrison, Erica | CRESST II Manager | ebenton1@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | (301) 286-8370 | dept page |
Huynh, Brian | Coordinator | bhuynh13@umd.edu | PSC 1117 | ||
Kimbrell, Dorinda | Director of Finance | dkimbrel@umd.edu | PSC 1125 | (301) 405-1511 | dept page |
Lehr, Susan | Coordinator of Business Services | slehr@umd.edu | PSC 1115 | (301) 405-1507 | dept page personal |
Miles, Lauren | Program Coordinator | Lmiles14@umd.edu | PSC 1208E | (301) 405-1505 | dept page |
Rauch, Kevin | Associate Research Scientist | rauch@umd.edu | ATL 0213 | (301) 405-4967 | dept page personal |
Rowe, Natalie | Business Manager | narowe@umd.edu | PSC 1119 | (301) 405-1560 | dept page |
Susanto, Y. Mona | Assistant Program Director for Finance | ysusanto@umd.edu | PSC 1123 | (301) 405-6882 | dept page |
Vaidya, Varada | CRESST II Coordinator | vvaidya@umd.edu | NASA GSFC | dept page |
Student Workers
Last, First | Title | Room | Phone | |
Blaufuss, Sarah | Teaching Assistant | sblaufus@umd.edu | ATL 1245 | |
Brunton, Zoe | Teaching Assistant | zbrunton@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
Chapman, Grant | Teaching Assistant | gchapma2@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
Dai, Haoying | Teaching Assistant | dhy@umd.edu | ATL 1351 | |
Guerrero Rivera, Katherine | Student Office Assistant | kguerriv@terpmail.umd.edu | PSC 1208 B | (301) 405-4505 |
Lai, Grace | General Assistant | glai1@umd.edu | ||
Manolidou Chatzi, Evgenia Jane | Teaching Assistant | emanolid@umd.edu | ATL 1317 | |
Mech, Enora | Teaching Assistant | emech@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
Mekonnen, Nardos | Teaching Assistant | nmekonn2@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
Merchant-Dest, Sofia | Teaching Assistant | sofiamd@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
O'Brien, Oliver | Teaching Assistant | obriekay@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
O'Connor, Brendan | Teaching Assistant | boconno7@umd.edu | ATL 1245 | |
Oruitemeka, Joyce | Student Worker | joruitem@terpmail.umd.edu | PSC 1208B | (301) 405-4505 |
Peng, Yixuan | Teaching Assistant | xuan0405@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
Prem, Matthew | Teaching Assistant | mprem@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
Robbins, Joshua | Teaching Assistant | jrobbin1@umd.edu | ATL 1243 | |
Suresh, Hannah | Teaching Assistant | hsuresh1@umd.edu | ATL 1243 |
FAX Numbers
Location | Room | FAX |
Mail Room Fax | PSC 1113 | (301) 314-9067 |
Phone database revision date: 2025-2-3
This page was automatically updated on 07-Feb-2025.