Internal Resources

This is the Astronomy Department's internal resources page, primarily intended for members of the department. It includes a hodgepodge of useful information and links.

  • Department Support
    Information and contacts for the department's administrative support services. Many common questions are answered here.
  • Hosting Visitors
    Information for hosting colloquium and other visitors.
  • Department Plan of Organization
    Information relating to the department's plan of organization, including the bylaws on merit evaluations.
  • Appointments and Promotions
    Policies, procedures, and resources relating to appointments and promotions (APT/AEP).
  • PTK Hiring
  • Department Committee Assignments (PDF)
    This document lists primarily the professorial members of all departmental committees.
  • Draft Theses (internal)
    This directory contains all theses in PDF before they are defended. A paper copy can be found in the library.
  • Diversity Information
    Useful links related to equity, diversity and inclusion issues.
  • Department Prizes and Awards
    A detailed list of all awards that are judged and awarded within the department.
  • External Prizes and Awards
    A detailed list of all national and international awards for which members of the department might be nominated.
  • UM Travel Policy
    Going on a trip? Be sure to read up on the UMD travel policy. The Department of Astronomy has recently switched to the University's new Travel System named Concur. A department user guide for Concur will soon be available. Please contact your business manager, Dorinda Kimbrell with questions.
  • Office of General Counsel
    The Office of General Counsel (OGC) is the in-house law firm for the University of Maryland, College Park. Administrators, faculty and staff members should consult with an OGC attorney when legal issues arise during the course of university activities or business.
  • How to Create Your Directory Webpage and Personal Website
    Newcomers are especially encouraged to make at least the "vanilla" department webpage for themselves.
  • Department Letterhead
    A Microsoft Word template containing the UMD logo in the letterhead, courtesy of Prof. Harris.
  • Need a UMD Logo?
    If you are creating a web page, poster or other material in which you wish to incorporate the University of Maryland logo, the usage must conform to the UMD Brand. Happily, the University has provided high quality logos for just these purposes. The Primary Logo and Informal Seal can be right-clicked and saved from UMD Logos. However, you will need to log into the UMD Brand Portal to access other logo files.