Peter Teuben's Astronomy Department Home Page

mercury Name:Peter Teuben
Title:Research Scientist
Room:ATL 0223
Phone:(301) 405-1540

Peter Teuben's main interests are in radio astronomy, galactic and hydrodynamics, and in community software development, such as NEMO. He has long-term involvement in development of community software for visualization and analysis of N-body and related simulations (NEMO and Starlab, and Tipsy++). Recently, he has become involved in the international Virtual Observatory (VO) effort, developing the idea of incorporating various types of "theory data" in the VO. For radio astronomy his interests are in radio astronomy (MIRIAD, CASA) and has used WSRT, VLA, ALMA, and more recently single dish telescopes (GBT, LMT).

He received his PhD from the University of Groningen in 1986 (title: "Dynamics of Barred Galaxies", advisor: T.S. van Albada) Previously he held research assistantships at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and the Astronomy Department at the University of Illinois in Urbana.

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ADS Listing for Peter Teuben
Astro-PH Listing for Peter Teuben