Series: Astronomy Colloquium
Date: Wednesday 12-Feb-2025
Time: 16:05-17:00 (4:05-5:00 pm)
Location: ATL 2400
Speaker: Dr. Ekta Patel (University of Utah)
Title: New Insights on Local Group Dynamics in the Era of Precision Astrometry
High-precision astrometric data from space observatories, such as the Hubble Space Telescope and Gaia, are revolutionizing our ability to reconstruct the history of the Local Group. In particular, 6D phase space measurements (three-dimensional position and velocity) now make it possible to rewind the clock and trace the orbital histories of nearly all Local Group satellites to their cosmic origins. These new datasets, combined with high-resolution simulations, pave the way for a revised model of the Local Group’s dynamical history and its current dark matter content. In this talk, I will review recent advancements in our understanding of the Milky Way and its halo substructures, and juxtapose those with the Andromeda system, where much remains to be learned. Looking ahead, I will discuss how these two systems can serve as benchmarks for future studies of analogous galaxies beyond the Local Group, powered by the deep, wide-field surveys enabled by Roman and Rubin.
In-person colloquia are usually preceded by espresso and ice cream at 1:45 pm outside room PSC 1150 and are followed by an informal reception at 5:15 pm in that room. Anyone interested in talking with the speaker, or being added to the colloquium announcement email list, should contact the colloquium organizer Dr. Richard Mushotzky. Lunch will normally be reserved for the speaker to talk to graduate students. Anyone asking a question during a talk is asked to raise their hand and be acknowledged before speaking. Contact Dr. Richard Mushotzky for details.
Colloquium Organizer:
Dr. Richard Mushotzky
Special accommodations for individuals with disabilities can be made by calling (301) 405-3001. It would be appreciated if we are notified at least one week in advance.