Series: Astronomy Colloquium
Date: Wednesday 01-May-2024
Time: 16:05-17:00 (4:05-5:00 pm)
Location: ATL 2400
Speaker: Dr. Frank van den Bosch (Yale University)
Title: New Insight into Cosmology and the Galaxy-Halo Connection from Non-Linear Scales
In our LCDM paradigm, galaxies form and reside in dark matter halos. Establishing the (statistical) relation between galaxies and dark matter halos, the `Galaxy-Halo connection', therefore gives important insight into galaxy formation, and also is a gateway to using the distribution of galaxies to constrain cosmological parameters. After a brief introduction to how clustering and gravitational lensing can be used to constrain the galaxy-halo connection, I show that several independent analyses all point towards a significant tension in cosmological parameters compared to the recent CMB results from the Planck satellite. I discuss the potential impact of assembly bias, and present satellite kinematics as a complementary and competitive method to constrain the galaxy-halo connection. After a brief historical overview of the use of satellite kinematics, I present a novel analysis, and show how it improves our knowledge of the galaxy-halo connection. I end with a re-examination of the cosmological tension, this time using satellite kinematics rather than gravitational lensi
In-person colloquia are usually preceded by espresso and ice cream at 1:45 pm outside room PSC 1150 and are followed by an informal reception at 5:15 pm in that room. Anyone interested in talking with the speaker, or being added to the colloquium announcement email list, should contact the colloquium organizer Dr. Leslie Sage. Lunch will normally be reserved for the speaker to talk to graduate students. Anyone asking a question during a talk is asked to raise their hand and be acknowledged before speaking. Contact Dr. Leslie Sage for details.
Colloquium Organizer:
Dr. Leslie Sage
Special accommodations for individuals with disabilities can be made by calling (301) 405-3001. It would be appreciated if we are notified at least one week in advance.