Planetary and exoplanetary Astronomy Lunch Seminar for 2019-11-11

Series: Planetary and exoplanetary Astronomy Lunch Seminar
Date: Monday 11-Nov-2019
Time: 11:15-12:15
Location: ATL 1250
Speaker: Nestor Espinoza (STScI)
Title: Transiting exoplanets: detection and characterization in the era of TESS and JWST

Transiting exoplanets are exciting objects to study because, with sufficient follow-up, detailed characterization can be performed which can reveal fascinating details about the formation and evolution of these distant worlds. Atmospheric characterization, in particular, is one of the most appealing ones as it can provide key information to understand how these exoplanets interacted with the protoplanetary disks and stellar environment in which they lived and formed. Despite this exciting opportunity, the number of transiting exoplanets "optimal" for atmospheric characterization is still a small fraction (~1%) of the confirmed transiting exoplanets detected to date. Their detection is, thus, as important as their actual characterization if we want to build representative samples of exoplanets in order to unveil the physics behind their formation and evolution. In this talk, I will present the opportunities the TESS mission presents for the search and characterization of those interesting "optimal" transiting exoplanets with JWST in the horizon, along with our on-going efforts on this search, with a special focus on gas giant exoplanets. I will then focus on current synergies with ground-based facilities for atmospheric characterization that are achieving HST-like precision on both southern and northern hemispheres, and which will enable a panchromatic view of the atmospheres of exoplanets to be characterized with JWST. New avenues for the characterization of these distant worlds in light of these present and upcoming high-precision facilities will be discussed, along with the physical pictures these might help reveal.

For further information contact PALS coordinator Dr. Lori Feaga at or (301)-405-1383.


Special accommodations for individuals with disabilities can be made by calling (301) 405-3001. It would be appreciated if we are notified at least one week in advance.


Directions and information about parking can be found here.

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