List of Past BANG Seminars : 01-Sep-2013 to 31-Dec-2013
Date: Thu, 10-Oct-2013
Speaker: Dr. Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Dr. Brad Cenko, Dr. Andy Harris, Dr. Roman Shcherbakov, Anne Lohfink
Title: Applying for Astronomy Jobs
Date: Mon, 21-Oct-2013
Speaker: Dr. Tom Statler (OSU/NSF)
Title: What Every Astronomer Needs to Know about NSF (joint with CTC/Theory Lunch)
Date: Thu, 24-Oct-2013
Speaker: Dr. Matthew Knight (APL/Lowell)
Title: Preparing for an Observing Run/ Discovery Channel Telescope
Date: Thu, 07-Nov-2013
Speaker: Dr. Ludmilla Kolokolova, Taro Shimizu, Krista Smith, and Ashlee Wilkins
Title: AstroArchives: Doing Astronomy without Observations: PDS, SDSS, MAST, IRSA, and Beyond"
Date: Thu, 14-Nov-2013
Speaker: Dr. Makenzie Lystrup (Ball Aerospace)
Title: From Doing Science to Facilitating Science: Moving into Roles in Science Policy and the Aerospace Industry
Bio: All these different spheres of science have their challenges, joys, and frustrations. I will discuss transitioning from research science into both science policy and industry, with a perspective of my personal experience and those of some of my colleagues. In particular, I'll discuss the practical aspects of making inroads into policy or industry, what skills are really key to moving into policy or industry, and what kinds of people tend to be successful in policy and industry. But any and all questions are most welcome.
Date: Thu, 21-Nov-2013
Speaker: Dr. Leslie Sage (Nature)
Title: TBD
Date: Thu, 05-Dec-2013
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Foust (The Space Review)
Title: TBD
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