Date: Mon 14-Aug-2017
Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Silverman (Samba TV, Data Scientist)
Title: From Astrophysics to Data Science
We are truly in the era of Big Data. The number of data science and analytics job openings has grown rapidly over the past several years and demand looks to continue to be very strong in years to come. Masters and PhD scientists (from all quantitative fields) are extremely well-qualified for such positions. Come learn about the basics of what data science is and what data scientists do, as well as how scientists in academia can become successful candidates for these positions in the tech industry. I'll also share my personal path from NSF astronomy postdoc to gainfully-employed data scientist.
Date: Thu 14-Sep-2017
Speaker: Dana Louie (UMD)
Title: NSF EAPSI Fellowship and JSPS-Sponsored Research Opportunities
The National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsors the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) Fellowship program, whereby NSF selects graduate students to conduct 8 to 10 weeks of summer research in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, or Taiwan. The program enables graduate students to experience a foreign culture, conduct international scientific and technological research, and build international relationships early in their careers. A counterpart organization in each country jointly sponsors the program. In Japan, the counterpart organization is the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). In addition to the EAPSI program, JSPS offers opportunities for senior and junior researchers, postdoctoral researchers, and senior doctoral students to apply for fellowships ranging from 2 weeks to 2 years. In this presentation, I will describe both the EAPSI program and JSPS-sponsored research opportunities, and then discuss my 10-week experience in Japan during the summer 2017 EAPSI program. I will also provide some tips for graduate students who wish to apply for the EAPSI program in the future.
Date: Thu 21-Sep-2017
Speaker: various
Title: GRAD-MAP, AGN, and Equity and Inclusion in Astronomy
GRAD-MAP (Graduate Resources for Advancing Diversity with Maryland Astronomy and Physics) and AGN (Astronomy Gentleladies Network) are two initiatives founded and led by UMD graduate students which aim to increase diversity in astronomy and physics and promote equity and inclusion. We review the history and accomplishments of GRAD-MAP and AGN and discuss plans for the coming year.
Date: Thu 28-Sep-2017
Speaker: Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke (UMD)
Title: Lessons from the Carl Wieman Education Specialist Workshop
Nobel laureate Carl Wieman's Education Specialist Workshop guided participants through six days of hands-on education research discussion, activity development, and expert feedback. In this talk, I share how the workshop's emphasis on developing expert-like thinking transformed my motivation for course design and activities. Effective course design and learning goals form an intricate web with student motivation and prior knowledge, pre-class learning, and in-class activities so that what each student ultimately takes away from a course is different and unique.
Date: Thu 05-Oct-2017
Speaker: various
Title: Jobs Panel: Applying for Postdoc and Faculty Positions in Astronomy
Date: Thu 12-Oct-2017
Speaker: UMD Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Title: How to Have Crucial Diversity Conversations
This training focuses on some common crucial conversations that need to happen in work environments striving for inclusion and diversity. Topics include interrupting harmful ways of relating with one another, having conversations when you have immediate diversity concerns, and proactive conversations that help create a culture of inclusion. Note: this special workshop will last 90 minutes
Date: Thu 19-Oct-2017
Speaker: Dr. Susan Martin (UMD Program Director, PhD Career & Professional Development)
Title: Dawn of a New Era: Your Career After Graduate School
Are you prepared to make a smooth transition to life beyond your PhD or Postdoc? When was the last time you intentionally explored your options and took steps to expand your universe of contacts? This session will serve as a reality check to see if you are on course to secure your next professional opportunity.
Date: Thu 26-Oct-2017
Speaker: Dr. Erin Kara (UMD)
Title: Lessons from the Alan Alda Science Communication Workshop
Date: Thu 02-Nov-2017
Speaker: Stuart Vogel (UMD)
Title: Bullying in astronomy
This seminar will focus on a discussion of what constitutes bullying, how to recognize bullying, and on advice and ideas on what to do if you are being bullied or see others being bullied. We will also discuss resources available at Maryland that might help.
Date: Thu 09-Nov-2017
Title: No seminar
Date: Thu 16-Nov-2017
Speaker: TBD
Title: TBD
Date: Thu 30-Nov-2017
Speaker: TBD
Title: TBD
Date: Thu 07-Dec-2017
Speaker: TBD
Title: TBD