Date: Thu, 04-Feb-2010
Title: Career Paths: Planning the Series
For further information please contact Career Paths coordinator Dr. Lucy McFadden at, 301-405-2081.
Date: Tue, 23-Feb-2010 [NOTE: Different date and time!]
Speaker: Dr. Eileen Friel
Title: Director of Lowell Observatory, formerly at NSF
For further information please contact Career Paths coordinator Dr. Lucy McFadden at, 301-405-2081.
Date: Thu, 11-Mar-2010
Speaker: Dr. Anita Krishnamurthi, AAS
Title: John Bahcall Public Policy Fellow
For further information please contact Career Paths coordinator Dr. Lucy McFadden at, 301-405-2081.
Date: Thu, 01-Apr-2010
Speaker: Dr. Laura Woodney
Title: Associate Professor Physics California State University, San Bernardino
Background: Laura received her PhD from U. Maryland in 2000. She is up for tenure and I have a copy of her tenure portfolio if anyone wants to see it.
For further information please contact Career Paths coordinator Dr. Lucy McFadden at, 301-405-2081.
Date: Thu, 08-Apr-2010
Speaker: Dr. Marc Kuchner, GSFC
Title: Marketing for Astrophysicists Workshop
For further information please contact Career Paths coordinator Dr. Lucy McFadden at, 301-405-2081.
Date: Thu, 29-Apr-2010
Speaker: Dr. Stefi Baum and Dr. Jim Ulvestad
Title: Astronomy-related careers in goverment and national facilities
3:00-4:00 pm Dr. Stefi Baum (Rochester Institute of Technology) Topic: Dr. Stefi Goes to Washington
A Discussion of the policy side of science, based on her term as American Institute of Physics Science Policy Fellow at the State Department
4:00-5:00 pm Dr. Jim Ulvestad (Director for Astronomical Sciences at the NSF) Topic: Talk Astronomy-related careers at national facilities
Biographical Descriptions:
Dr. Stefi Baum has scientific research expertise in imaging science and astrophysics, specializing in understanding the origin and nature of active galaxies and clusters of galaxies and the development and deployment of observational instrumentation and missions. Over 160 refereed journal articles published. Well versed in a range of scientific issues and disciplines and the application of scientific, statistical, and engineering methodology. Experience with college level pedagogy development in science and innovation, K-12 science education and public outreach, and programs to recruit women and minorities to STEM careers. Science policy experience. Extensive management and leadership experience, in a range of environments including government, national centers, and academia.
Dr. Jim Ulvestad is a Scientist and Assistant Director of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, funded by the US National Science Foundation. He is head of the New Initiatives Office, with primary responsibility for NRAO activities on the proposed Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and for developing partnerships for the NRAO telescopes. From 2001 through 2007, he was the local site director for the Very Large Array and the Very Long Baseline Array, responsible for all aspects of their operations. Jim moved to NRAO from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he spent 12 years working on the Japanese VLBI Space Observatory Programme, VLA arraying for the Voyager Neptune encounter, VLBI astrometry, and optical interferometry. His primary research interests (see vita) are Seyfert and starburst galaxies, as well as other low-luminosity active galactic nuclei.
In 2008, Jim completed a term as an elected representative to the American Astronomical Society Council. He is an NRAO representative to the US SKA Consortium, a member of the international SKA Science and Engineering Committee, and a member of the Fermi Users Group. His other recent community service includes membership on the US National Academy of Sciences Beyond Einstein Program Assessment Committee and a term on the NASA Structure and Evolution of the Universe Subcommittee. He currently serves as chair of the Demographics Study Group of the US Decadal Survey Committee, Astro2010. Beginning on March 1, 2010, Jim Ulvestad has taken up a position as Division Director for Astronomical Sciences at the US National Science Foundation.
For further information please contact Career Paths coordinator Dr. Lucy McFadden at, 301-405-2081.