Date: Thu 16-Feb-2017
Speaker: Maggie McAdam & Shreya Anand (UMD)
Title: Allyship in the classroom: a workshop
In this workshop, we will introduce the concept of allyship and discuss strategies to work on being a ally in a leadership context.
Date: Thu 23-Feb-2017
Speaker: N/A
Title: No Seminar - CMNS Teaching & Learning Center event
Date: Thu 02-Mar-2017
Speaker: Brian Morsony (UMD)
Title: Case Studies in Effective Mentoring: Responding to an Unhelpful Mentor
At this week's BANG Seminar, we will continue our discussion from last semester about navigating mentoring relationships. We will discuss case studies from the APS Mentor Training Seminar, with the goal of developing strategies for determining if your mentees understand what they are doing and what is expected of them, and for helping mentees develop the skills and confidence to carry out independent research.
Date: Thu 16-Mar-2017
Speaker: Laura Blecha (UMD)
Title: Why Science is Political
I will facilitate a discussion about the relationship between science and politics. We'll discuss the historical role of science in politics (and vice versa) and what this means for us as scientists in the current political climate.
Date: Thu 30-Mar-2017
Speaker: William Sedlacek, PhD (Prof Emeritus UMD)
Title: Limitations of the GRE and GPA in Selecting and Evaluating Graduate Students: What Alternatives are There?
Limitations and statistical artifacts in traditional student evaluation methods used in pre and post admissions for graduate and undergraduate students will be discussed. A series of noncognitive variables demonstrated to have more validity in predicting grades and retention will be presented. The noncognitive variables are more equitable for women, students of color and international students than traditional assessment methods. References and examples of colleges, universities and scholarship programs that have employed noncognitive variables will be included. Presentation sponsored jointly by the Department of Astronomy’s Better Astronomy for the New Generation! (BANG!) and The Graduate School Faculty and Staff Professional Development Series.
Date: Thu 13-Apr-2017
Speaker: Dr. Philip Graff (APL)
Title: TBA
Date: Thu 20-Apr-2017
Speaker: Kory Kreimeyer (FDA)
Title: Data Science at the FDA
Kory Kreimeyer is an ORISE Fellow at the Food and Drug Administration in Silver Spring, where he works as part of a small clinical informatics research team to develop tools to assist FDA medical reviewers. FDA receives a large number of safety reports about adverse events following exposure to vaccines and other medical products. The new tools can increase efficiency for reviewers by using natural language processing techniques to extract important clinical information from the free text of reports and by interpreting the reported information in networks, which allow for clustering and temporal analyses. Kory received his Master's degree at UMD in 2013 and previously worked as a software engineer before moving to the fellowship position.
Date: Thu 27-Apr-2017
Speaker: Dr. Hannah Krug (Holton-Arms School)
Title: Going Back to High School: Astronomy PhD to Independent School Teacher
Hannah Krug is an Upper School Mathematics & Physics Teacher and the Science Research Coordinator at Holton-Arms School, an all-girls 3-12 independent school in Bethesda. She teaches two sections of Honors Physics to freshmen and two sections of Honors Precalculus to sophomores and juniors. As Science Research Coordinator, she runs a program that places students in research labs (many at UMD) during the summer prior to their senior year, as well as helping to train them for that experience. She also advises the Spectrum club, a safe space for LGBTQ+ students and allies. Hannah received her Ph.D. at UMD in 2013 and went straight into teaching.
Date: Thu 04-May-2017
Speaker: Alexis Williams, Ph.D. & Courtney Cook, M.S. (UMD/TLTC & Women's Studies)
Title: Pro-Disability Teaching: Removing the Deficit Model
At this week's BANG Seminar, we will learn some best practices for teaching with disability in mind. Participants will reflect on the various ways a working understanding of disability can inform our teaching, scholarship, and mentorship.