List of Past LMA/CARMA Seminars : 01-Jan-1997 to 01-Jun-1997
Date: Thursday 13-Feb-1997
Speaker: Garret Cotter (Royal Greenwich Observatory)
Title: "A high redshift cluster detected by its influence on the microwave background"
Date: Thursday 13-Feb-1997
Speaker: Eli Dewk (GSFC)
Title: "Can Fluffy Composite Dust Particles Solve the Interstellar Dust Crisis"
Date: Thursday 27-Feb-1997
Speaker: Michiel Hogerheijde (Sterrewacht Leiden)
Title: "Observations of the Envelopes, Disks, and Outflows of Low-Mass YSOs"
Date: Thursday 13-Mar-1997
Speaker: Dan Clemens (BU)
Title: "The Milky Way Magnetic Field Mapping Mission: M4"
Date: Thursday 01-May-1997
Speaker: Shobita Satyapal (GSFC) & Michael Luhman (NRL)
Title: "Probing the Energy Source in Infrared Luminous Galaxies Using the ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer"
Date: Thursday 08-May-1997
Speaker: Edward Fitzpatrick (Princeton University)
Title: "GHRS Observations of Interstellar Clouds in the Galactic Disk and Halo"
Date: Thursday 15-May-1997
Speaker: Edwin Bergin (CfA)
Title: ``Chemical Evolution and Molecular Depletion in Developing Protostellar Cores''
Date: Thursday 22-May-1997
Speaker: Chris Mihos (JHU)
Title: "The Stability and Evolution of Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies"
Date: Thursday 29-May-1997
Speaker: Taoling Xie
Title: ``BIMA View of G35.2-1.74: A Heck of A Cometary Ultra-Compact HII Region Shaped by External Molecular Flows''
Date: Thursday 19-June-1997
Speaker: Jonathan Gardner (GSFC)
Title: "A Wide-Field K-band Galaxy Survey"
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