Date: Thursday 10-Sep-98
Speaker: Dr. Paul Butler (Anglo-Australian Observatory) **Note Date and Room**
Title: "The Lick, Keck, and Anglo-Australian Planet Surveys"
Date: Wednesday 16-Sep-98
Speaker: Dr. Minho Choi and Dr. Carol Mundell (University of Maryland)
Title: "BIMA Survey for Protostellar Collapse Candidates" and "Neutral Hydrogen as a Probe of AGN and their Hosts"
Date: Wednesday 23-Sep-98
Speaker: Dr. Harri Vanhala (Department of Terrestrial Magnetism)
Title: "Simulations of Shock-triggered Star Formation"
Date: Wednesday 30-Sep-98
Speaker: Dr. Gerhardt Meurer (Johns Hopkins University)
Title: "Dust Absorption and the Luminosity Density at z ~ 3"
Date: Wednesday 7-Oct-98
Speaker: Prof. Jerry Sellwood (Rutgers University)
Title: "Formation of Maximum Disks and Massive Central Objects"
Date: Wednesday 14-Oct-98
Speaker: No colloquium this week; October Conference
Date: Wednesday 21-Oct-98
Speaker: Dr. Monica Valluri (Rutgers University)
Title: "Dynamics of elliptical galaxies with central black holes"
Date: Tuesday 27-Oct-98
Speaker: Dr. Stephane Courteau (DAO) **Note Date and Time**
Title: "Dark Matter and the Structure of Late-type Spirals"
Date: Wednesday 4-Nov-98
Speaker: Dr. Jill Tarter (SETI Institute)
Title: Status Report on Project Phoenix, A Privately Funded Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Date: Wednesday 11-Nov-98
Speaker: Prof. James Liebert (University of Arizona)
Title: "Brown Dwarfs: From Mythical to Ubiquitous"
Date: Wednesday 18-Nov-98
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Wiseman (Johns Hopkins University)
Title: "The Environment of Protostellar Jets"
Date: Wednesday 25-Nov-98
Speaker: No colloquium this week; Thanksgiving
Date: Wednesday 2-Dec-98
Speaker: Dr. Henry Ferguson (STScI)
Title: "The Hubble Deep Fields"
Date: Wednesday 9-Dec-98
Speaker: Prof. Virginia Trimble (University of Maryland)
Title: "Astrophysics in 1998"