Lori Feaga's Astronomy Department Home Page
Name:Lori Feaga Title:Research Professor Room:ATL 1207A Phone:(301) 405-1383 E-mail:lfeaga@umd.edu |
I am a cometary scientist and spectroscopist. My research focuses on the molecular composition of and distribution of gases surrounding small bodies in the Solar System and how they relate to the protoplanetary disk and evolutionary processes from which we formed. I was on the Deep Impact, EPOXI, and Rosetta missions and Comet Hopper concept study. Recently, I have expanded my observing methods to include time domain astronomy with a long-term survey of many small body targets being conducted with the Lowell Discovery Telescope in Arizona in partnership with Lowell Observatory. I am interested in mentoring and increasing the number of women and under-represented minorities in STEM and enjoy taking my science into the classroom.
Pronouns: She, her, hers
ADS Listing for Lori Feaga
Astro-PH Listing for Lori Feaga