Ludmilla Kolokolova's Astronomy Department Home Page

jupiter Name:Ludmilla Kolokolova
Title:Research Scientist
Room:ATL 1207D
Phone:(301) 405-1539

My main scientific interest is physics of all types of cosmic dust (interplanetary, interstellar, circumstellar dust, planetary aerosols) and small bodies in Solar system (comets, asteroids, satellites of planets, Kuiper-Belt objects).

I use both remote sensing and in-situ methods to study these objects focusing on spectrophotometry and polarimetry. I have participated in development of the astronomical and space instrumentation, laboratory and computer simulations, and theory development in light scattering by particles and surfaces.

I am the manager of the Small Bodies Node of the NASA Planetary Data System and work on archiving the data obtained at space-mission and ground-based observations of comets, asteroids and interplanetary (zodiacal) dust.

I am the editor and manager of the online Light-Scattering Newsletter

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ADS Listing for Ludmilla Kolokolova
Astro-PH Listing for Ludmilla Kolokolova