Ludmilla Kolokolova's Astronomy Department Home Page
Name:Ludmilla Kolokolova Title:Research Scientist Room:ATL 1207D Phone:(301) 405-1539 |
My main scientific interest is physics of all types of cosmic dust (interplanetary, interstellar, circumstellar dust, planetary aerosols) and small bodies in Solar system (comets, asteroids, satellites of planets, Kuiper-Belt objects).
I use both remote sensing and in-situ methods to study these objects focusing on spectrophotometry and polarimetry. I have participated in development of the astronomical and space instrumentation, laboratory and computer simulations, and theory development in light scattering by particles and surfaces.
I am the manager of the Small Bodies Node of the NASA Planetary Data System and work on archiving the data obtained at space-mission and ground-based observations of comets, asteroids and interplanetary (zodiacal) dust.
I am the editor and manager of the online Light-Scattering Newsletter
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