Andrei Mamoutkine's Astronomy Department Home Page

Andrei Mamoutkine Name:Andrei Mamoutkine
Title:Senior Faculty Specialist
Room:ATL 1246

As a Senior Faculty Specialist, I am currently responsible for:

  • Replication in real-time of the Small Bodies Node (SBN) copies for Minor Planet Center (MPC) Maria (mpc_development) and PostgreSQL (mpcbeta and mpc_sbn) databases.
  • Distribution of the SBN copy of both Postgres databases to the 6 observatories all over the World in real-time.
  • Publication of different statistics and metrics from the SBN copies of Maria and Postgres databases on the Minor Planet Center Annex @SBN
  • Automation of the Close Approach Alerts processing from the Minor Planet Center (MPC), and publication of the derivative information (including geometry images) into International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) website

ADS Listing for Andrei Mamoutkine
Astro-PH Listing for Andrei Mamoutkine