CTC Seminar for 2023-11-08

Series: CTC Seminar
Date: Wednesday 08-Nov-2023
Time: 11:30-12:30 pm
Location: PSC 1136
Speaker: Robert Caddy (University of Pittsburgh)
Title: Exascale MHD Simulations with Cholla

Abstract: The impact of magnetic fields on galactic outflows and winds is not well understood. Modeling these effects has proven challenging in large part due to the cost of MHD simulations: across the field, different compromises between simulation cost, resolution, and robustness lead to substantially different results. This tension is particularly noticeable in galactic outflows where the effects of magnetic fields in simulations range from non-existent to dramatic. To resolve this tension and accurately model the galactic dynamo and magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) we need high resolution and robust MHD simulations. In this talk, I will describe my work to add magnetohydrodynamics to Cholla, a massively parallel, GPU accelerated, code for modeling astrophysical fluid dynamics. With Cholla MHD, and the new Frontier supercomputer, we can robustly simulate a Milky Way like galaxy with resolution elements of a few parsecs in size throughout the entire galaxy and CGM and resolve this tension. As scientific codes, like Cholla, grow scientific software best practices become especially important. I will also discuss some of the best practices that we have implemented, the challenges in doing so, and their benefits.

Guidelines and format for the CTC Lunch seminars.
Past CTC Lunch seminars.
For other questions, contact the CTC Lunch host: Matt Nixon


Special accommodations for individuals with disabilities can be made by calling (301) 405-3001. It would be appreciated if we are notified at least one week in advance.


Directions and information about parking can be found here.

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