Distinguished Research Scientist Prize

The Distinguished Research Scientist Prize was established by the Department of Astronomy to honor outstanding established scholars. To be eligible, candidates must currently hold the rank of Associate or Senior Research Scientist/Professor/Engineer and must have worked in the department for two or more years. (Winners are not eligible again for consideration until six years have passed.) Selection is made in May by a committee drawn from the department's diverse membership, and the winner is announced at the department's End of the Year Celebration in June. The selected candidate receives a $500 award.

Nominations for awards can be submitted at any time of the year!

Prize Winners

  • 2023/24: Cecilia Chirenti, Dennis Chornay
  • 2022/23: Ian Richardson
  • 2021/22: Mike Kelley
  • 2019/20: Tilak Hewagama
  • 2018/19: Matthew Knight, Tony Farnham
  • 2017/18: Elizabeth Ferrara
  • 2016/17: Ludmilla Kolokolova
  • 2015/16: Gennady Milikh
  • 2013/14: Marc Pound
  • 2012/13: Mark Wolfire